Gospel Conversations
Record a Recent Gospel Conversation

Salvation is God’s Role, Gospel Sharing is Ours
Gospel conversations are conversations about the gospel that a follower of Jesus has with another person who does not (or may not) know Jesus as Savior and Lord. These conversations will always include the sharing of the good news about Christ’s death and resurrection for sinners.
Riverside members are encouraged to record recent gospel conversations they’ve had through this form so that the rest of the church might both rejoice and pray as we continue to share.
Who can you speak to about Jesus?
10:02 Prayer Challenge
Set a reminder on your phone for 10:02 am each weekday that reminds you to pray for a harvest of Christian conversions as we labor together in the ripe fields of evangelism around us and as we send and support missionaries to the nations. When your phone buzzes at 10:02 am, drop whatever you are doing and pray. If you are with someone, have them join you!
The time of “10:02” comes from Luke 10:2 where Jesus says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”